Monday, April 4, 2016

New Order Ship Replacement Policy

Thank heavens for Salah, who remembered to save the forum post on the reimbursement policy before the forums went offline!

Remember to orient yourself on the "official" fits. Flying out with T2 Beam lasers might be funny, create tears and so on... but I do not think the Treasury will pay for such indulgence!

If anyone needs help developing their own schemes and methods for generating money... write to me... and I will send a couple of links your way!

In addition to the information below:

Gank Taloses are also available for reimbursement (unless you use them nonsensically, eg for Ventures)

I seem to remember that Vexors are also open for reimbursement... if someone can mail me a source for that I will make it official here...

New Order Ship Replacement Policy
Update for ALL agents requesting Ship Replacement (Reimbursement).

There is a lot of confusion about this process. First, the process:

Send an EVEmail to James 315 with the
subject line "Reimbursement 2014.01.01 -> 2014.01.15" (replace these dates with the time period you are requesting ship replacement for).

In the
body of the message, simply state the number of T2 catalysts you are requesting, as well as the number of Meta 0 or Meta 4 Catalysts you are requesting. Keep it brief, simple, and to the point.

Ships will be replaced at the following value:

Tech I -- 2 million
Named/Meta -- 4 million
Tech II -- 10 million
Ganking Cruisers -- 20 million

If you have purchased catalysts that you are handing out to other members, you may request SRP for them - but assume that requesting SRP for more Catalysts then your zkillboard loss record shows may result in a closer look at your actions to verify this. This is an honor system and, in the words of James 315, - "Things are tougher to keep track of when multiple pilots are contributing to a common pool of funds or handing out catalysts to others, but the principle should be easy enough to follow.".

In the
body of the message, include a URL link to your API verified character @ - THIS IS NOT OPTIONAL. For example -
Be patient. James 315 will take care of your request as soon as possible. Don't annoy him or waste his time with reminders or pokes about the status of your request.
A message from the Savior Of High-Sec and the founding father of the New Order:
"When ships are handed out, gankers should NOT request reimbursement for the loss of ships that they didn't purchase themselves. Reimbursement from the Treasury is intended to help the gankers afford to continue ganking, and not as a bounty/payment for doing ganks. (Some nullsec alliances deliberately over-reimburse as a kind of payment, and it should be clarified that this is not intended here.) In other words, there shouldn't be any "double-dipping". Things are tougher to keep track of when multiple pilots are contributing to a common pool of funds or handing out catalysts to others, but the principle should be easy enough to follow."
-James 315

"In the case where a player is found to be "double dipping" or "gaming" the treasury for personal gain, they may be subjected to removal from the CODE. alliance (if a member), removal from the minerbumping chat, future reimbursement requests being denied, or a combination of the above."

DJentropy Ovaert (Approved as policy by James 315)

In other words - unless
you yourself paid for the catalyst, do not request ship replacement for it. You might get away with it a few times, but sooner or later it will become obvious and you will be BANNED from the SRP. Don't risk it. Respect the treasury! All of the funds come from donations from friends and fans of the New Order - and gaming that system for personal gain will not be tolerated.

***PLEASE NOTE*** - Random audits will be performed. In other words, admins may decide to look over your API verified Zkillboard at any time to make sure you are not "double dipping" or gaming this system for any personal gain. If found engaging in this type of behavior, you may be banned from any future SRP, removed from the CODE. alliance (if a member), banned from minerbumping channel, or other unpleasant things. Please, please, respect the shareholders.


  1. On reimbursing gank Vexors:

  2. Never got reimbursed on over 1.5b in ships, thanks.

    1. Miner, the above post details the reimbursement for ships that are used to carry out ganks. To replace ships that got ganked out from under you whilst flying Code Compliant in our Saviour's territory, please contact the agent that sold you your permit.
